Get To Know Me

Your Health Coach
Hi, I’m Jen! Married to my biggest supporter in life, my husband, mother of two, a dog mom, Integrative Health Coach, and a Certified Holistic Biblical Counselor. Born and raised in the Midwest, I don’t care for the cold winters but in the pretty seasons, I do love to go for walks. I enjoy yoga and my stationary bike. I love spending time with my family whether we watch movies, shop, or just enjoy a nice meal together.
In my private time, I love to listen to sermons and music. You can find me hanging out with my close friends for breakfast. I have been told I am the girl next door very down-to-earth and connectable.
I hope you find connection with me through my website, and I can’t wait to help you embrace your inner beauty!
My Health Journey
I have had my fair share of health issues since I was 15. It started with borderline anorexia with severe anemia that later in life led to misdiagnoses of being told I was depressed when I had polycystic ovarian syndrome. I experienced all sorts of issues; blood sugar imbalance, dizziness, irregular periods, irregular eating patterns, fatigue, headaches, bloating, and weight gain.
I was told by my Integrative Doctor who diagnosed me with PCOS that I needed to change my eating and lifestyle habits. It wasn’t until I enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition that I began to develop healthy eating habits and a daily relationship with exercising. I began to have self-trust and learned that self-care was important and not a selfish thing to take time for myself. I noticed changes in my body, Things like my weight coming down, blood sugars becoming normal, headaches going away, and my energy increased.
I understand the struggle with menopause these days. It is for sure frustrating, but I find I like a challenge. After a year of feeling sorry for myself, I picked myself up and began a healthy journey again. I love my body more now that I have learned to give myself some grace, which is why I have a desire to help women nourish themselves with polycystic ovarian syndrome and the associated ailments that come with it.

Why Work With Me?
I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition based in New York. I learned from some of the most inspiring Doctors in their field. Doctors like Dr. Lipman, Dr. Amen, Dr. Hyman, Dr. Weil, and Dr. Christiane Northrup. Some of the special speakers I enjoyed were Serena Williams, Alecia Silverstone, and Jennifer Espitito to name a few. With learning 100 dietary methods I also learned about crowding in and crowding out food, what food cravings mean, the importance of primary and secondary foods, and bio-individualism that we are all created differently, that health is not a one-size-fits-all approach.
As an Integrative Health Coach, I do not treat or diagnose diseases.
I am not a nutritionist or dietitian. I am a mentor, coach, and support to help guide you in your health journey mind, body, and spirit.
I walk alongside women and inspire them to realize their health matters. Giving them the knowledge, they need to be confident in who they are inside and out.